Coherence Effects in Gaseous Lasers with Axial Magnetic Fields. I. Theoretical

The Lamb theory of the optical maser is applied to circularly polarized atomic transitions, and used to consider the beat frequencies and the coherence properties of such orthogonal fields when axial magnetic fields are applied to the gaseous laser. The beat frequency approaches zero in near-zero magnetic fields and synchronization can then occur between the right- and left-handed circularly polarized oscillations. For a resonator with no undue polarization constraint, such a strong coupling gives rise to a linearly polarized output, and to a rotation of the plane of polarization with increasing magnetic field. A self-consistent expression is derived for this rotation under steady-state conditions, and a maximum rotation of ±14π with magnetic field is indicated before the synchronization breaks down and circularly polarized beat phenomena appear. The rotation with magnetic field depends on the laser intensity, on the anisotropy in the cavity losses, and on the position of the cavity resonance within the Doppler linewidth. Also, the angle of rotation is indeterminate unless such anisotropy is present. Other regions of such coherence can occur at higher magnetic fields, where the beat frequency again approaches zero. These depend on the detailed shape of the various dispersion curves of the laser medium. The results derived from the theory used are in general agreement with experimental observations on the 1.153-μ He-Ne laser transition.