Hyperfine-structure measurements by optical detection of Zeeman-level crossings in the 6s6pP13 state were made with natural-linewidth precision in three radioactive isotopes of mercury. The magnetic dipole (A) and electric quadrupole (B) interaction constants in Mc/sec implied by these measurements (without second-order hyperfine corrections, but including second-order Zeeman and cross-Zeeman hyperfine corrections) are: Hg195 (9.5-h half-life)A(P13)=15813.46±0.23 Hg195* (isomer, 40 h)A(P13)=2368.04±0.08 B(P13)=782.45±0.86 Hg193* (isomer, 11 h)A(P13)=2399.69±0.06 B(P13)=724.8±90.0. The gJ factor for the P13 state of Hg199 is obtained from a new level-crossing measurement. The value, including second-order Zeeman and Zeeman-hyperfine corrections, is gJ=1.486118±0.000016; 37×106 of this is the total contribution from gI and the second-order corrections. Our value is in substantial agreement with a recent measurement in the even Hg isotopes. The measured ratio of the A factors of Hg195 and Hg199 with all second-order corrections (resulting from interaction with neighboring fine-structure levels) included is combined with the value for the ratio of the magnetic moments in an external field obtained by Walter and Stavn to yield the Bohr-Weisskopf hfs anomaly between Hg195 and Hg199, which is calculated to be Δ199195(P13)=0.1476(76)%. The contribution to the anomaly from the s12 electron is extracted and used to estimate admixture coefficients in the single-particle model of the nucleus with configuration mixing. These turn out to be satisfactorily small for the configurations assumed.