False Aneurysms Occurring in Association With Thrombosed Prosthetic Grafts

FALSE aneurysms developed at suture lines are serious complications of reconstructive vascular surgery in which prosthetic materials have been used to bypass areas of arterial obstruction. The exact frequency of this problem is unknown, but Stoney et al1 reported a 23.7% incidence of false aneurysms occurring at the common femoral or popliteal anastomosis. In the cases reported to date, the aneurysms have invariably developed in patients with patent grafts. In fact, Smith and Szilagyi2 suggest that thrombosis of the graft may effect a spontaneous cure of the problem. The purpose of this report is to present three cases in which false aneurysms developed two to five years after the prosthetic graft occluded and to discuss the possible etiology of the anastomotic dissolution. Report of Cases Case 1. —In April 1959, this 62-year-old man was admitted to the hospital complaining of intermittent claudication in the left calf. On May