Modulation-doped GaAs/(Al,Ga)As heterojunction field-effect transistors: MODFETs

Recently developed modulation-doped field-effect transistors (MODFETs) now hold the record for high-speed logic. In this device structure only the larger bandgap (Al,Ga)As layer is doped with donors and the GaAs layer is left undoped. Electrons minimize their energy by diffusing out of the (Al,Ga)As into the lower potential GaAs where they form a two-dimensional electron gas near the heterointerface. Since the electrons and donors are spatially separated, ionized impurity scattering is avoided making it possible to obtain extremely high electron mobilities. Even at electron densities of 1019cm-3or ∼ 1 × 1012cm-2per interface, transport properties of these heterostructures are comparable to pure bulk GaAs. Modulation-doped FETs using this heterojunction system offer many advantages among which are a small gate to conducting channel separation (∼ 300 Å) leading to extremely high transconductances, a large current-carrying capability (∼ 500 mA/mm per interface), a small source resistance, and a small saturation voltage. The benefits improve quite substantially at 77 K where the transconductance increases to ∼ 500 mS/mm. Improved device performance has been obtained in both high-speed and digital applications. Modulation-doped FETs used as low-noise amplifiers exhibit noise figures as low as 0.4 dB with 14-dB gain at 10 GHz at 77 K and a noise temperature of 3.5 K at 3.3 GHz with the MODFET cooled to 15 K. The rate of increase in noise temperature is about 1 K/GHz. Quarter micrometer devices have exhibited a current-gain cutoff frequency of 70 GHz. When used as inverters in logic circuits, propagation delays of 12 ps and under 10 ps have been obtained at 300 and 77 K, respectively. Delay times as low as 5 ps are quite possible at 77 K. Static RAMs with 4-kbit complexity exhibited access times of about 2 ns. These results are far superior to any other three-terminal device which is the primary reason why numerous university, industrial, and government laboratories in the U.S., Europe, and Japan have sizable MODFET programs.