Muon spin rotation in the magnetic and superconducting ground states of (U,Th)Be13and (U,Th)Pt3

Microscopic aspects of magnetism and superconductivity have been studied in the heavy-fermion superconducting alloy systems (U,Th)Be13 and (U,Th)Pt3 using the technique of positive-muon (μ+) spin rotation and relaxation (μSR). In U1x Thx Be13, x=0.033, a striking increase of zero-field Kubo-Toyabe relaxation rate σKT is observed below the temperature Tc2≃0.4 K at which a second phase transition occurs in the superconducting state. This jump is firm evidence for the onset of weak static magnetism below Tc2. The observed increase of ∼1.5 Oe in the μ+ local field corresponds to an effective moment of 103102 μB/U atom.