Non-linear dynamical analysis of multichannel EEG: Clinical applications in dementia and Parkinson's disease

The irregular, aperiodic character of the EEG is usually explained by a stochastic model. In this view the EEG is linearly filtered noise. According to chaos theory such irregular signals can also result from low dimensional deterministic chaos. In this case the underlying dynamics is nonlinear, and has only few effective degrees of freedom. In contrast, stochastic models are less efficient, because they require in principle infinite degrees of freedom. Chaotic dynamics in the EEG can be studied by calculating the correlation dimension (D2). Although it has become clear that D2 calculations alone cannot prove chaos, the D2 has potential value as an EEG diagnostic. In this study we investigated whether D2 could be used to discriminate EEGs from normal controls, demented patients and Parkinson patients. We have analyzed epochs (20 channels; 2.5 s) from 52 EEGs (20 controls; 15 patients with dementia; 17 patients with Parkinson's disease). Controls had a mean D2 of 6.5 (0.9); demented patients of 4.4 (1.5), and Parkinson patients of 5.3 (0.9). Both groups were significantly different from controls (p < 0.001). There was a significant positive correlation between D2 and relative power in the beta band (r=0.81) and a significant negative correlation between D2 and power in the delta (r=−0.60) and theta band (r=−0.37). These results suggest the possible usefulness of multichannel D2 estimations in a clinical setting.