Some Neutron Deficient Strontium Isotopes

Bombardment of rubidium with protons produced Sr81, half-life 29 minutes, Sr82, half-life 25 days, and Sr83, half-life 38 hours. Sr81 and Sr83 are assigned on the basis of their positron decay to known Rb81 and Rb83, respectively. The half-life of Rb83 has been redetermined as 83 days, and it has been shown that it decays in part to the 1.8-hour Kr83m. Sr82 probably decays by electron capture to a short-lived isomer of Rb82, which in turn decays by emission of 3.15-Mev positrons. In this case, the mass assignment is based on the energy required to produce the activity in a bombardment, because the known Rb82 was not observed as a decay product.