Universal linear-combination-of-atomic-orbitals parameters ford-state solids

The assumption of a muffin-tin zero equal to the d-state energy, taken from Anderson's muffin-tin-orbital theory, is used in transition-metal pseudopotential theory to derive a simple form for the hybridization matrix element k|Δ|d in terms of a parameter rd, given for all 27 transition elements. Using this form, matrix elements between d states on neighboring atoms are found to be given by Vddm=ηddm2rd3(md5) with ηddσ=45π, ηddπ=30π, and ηddδ=15(2π). Thus for any structure and nearest-neighbor distance d, we need in addition only k|W|k (fitted to d-band energies calculated earlier) to provide all parameters needed for an elementary band calculation for any transition metal. Results are displayed for all. By replacing the free-electron band in this description by an sp band and equating appropriate band energies, we identify expressions for matrix elements coupling d states to s and p states. The universal form Vldm=ηldm2rd32(md72) is obtained but the coefficients obtained are sensitive to the matching procedure. Empirical values ηsdσ=3.11, ηpdσ=2.82, and ηpdπ=+1.35 accord well with the bands given by Mattheiss for five cubic perovskites.