Collective States in 151Sm

Inelastic deuteron scattering experiments with a target of 151Sm have been carried out with bombarding energies of 5 MeV and 12 MeV. The scattered deuterons were analyzed with a magnetic spectrograph and B(E2) values for the states populated were extracted from the ratios of inelastic to elastic cross sections. The gamma rays following Coulomb excitation of 151Sm by 50 MeV 35Cl ions were also studied with Ge(Li) detectors. Levels at 65.8 keV, 168.4 keV, and 295.1 keV were populated with B(E2) values of 0.80 e2(barn)2, 0.15 e2(barn)2, and 0.46 e2(barn)2 respectively. If it is assumed that the strong-coupling model is appropriate and that the level at 65.8 keV is the first excited member of a rotational band based on the I = 5/2 ground state, the measured B(E2) value corresponds to a deformation of β = 0.21. It must be noted, however, that the observed states do not satisfy the properties expected for a well-ordered ground-state rotational band.