Alloxan Diabetes in the Albino Rat as Influenced by Sex

Female albino rats are demonstrated to be more susceptible than males to the dia-betogenic action of alloxan. In severe alloxan-diabetes females show more tendency to acetonuria than males. After a 96-hr. fast, followed by injn. of alloxan and feeding, rats developed a progressive hyperglycemia which reached a maximum at about 22 hrs. Blood sugar fell to a minimum, often hypoglycemic, level at about 30 hrs. and subsequently rose to a 2d max, around 48 hrs. after alloxan. Alloxan-treated rats, showing severe hyperglycemia and glycosuria when fed, behave unevenly when fasted 24 hrs. Some develop hypoglycemia while others have normal blood sugar or hyperglycemia. The data suggest that alloxan may produce multiple damage to the carbohydrate metabolism and that its effect in curtailing the insulin supply may not be the only factor involved in producing the peculiar diabetic symptoms.