670. Further studies of the effect of processing on some vitamins of the B complex in milk

1. Pasteurized, sterilized, U.H.T. treated, U.H.T. treated-sterilized, evaporated, sweetened condensed, roller- and spray-dried milks were prepared simultaneously from one bulk of raw whole milk.2. The preparation of any of these products entailed little or no apparent loss of riboflavin, pantothenic acid, nicotinic acid, vitamin B6or biotin.3. Thiamine was destroyed in amounts ranging from less than 10% to 40–50%, increasing with the severity of the heat treatment.4. Prolonged high temperature used in the sterilization of evaporated milk and of in-bottle sterilized milk caused nearly complete loss of vitamin B12.5. The new process of sterilization by the U.H.T. treatment alone when it was not followed by the, so far necessary, in-bottle sterilization caused little more loss of the vitamins measured than did H.T.S.T. pasteurization.