Hematogenous Candida Endophthalmitis in Patients Receiving Parenteral Hyperalimentation Fluids

To determine the incidence of hematogenous candida endophthalmitis in seriously ill patients given parenteral hyperalimentation fluids, 131 hyperalimented postoperative patients were prospectively evaluated. All patients were screened weekly for the development of chorioretinallesions, blood cultures positive for Candida albicans, and signs and symptoms of candida infection. Thirteen (9.9%) of 131 patients developed chorioretinallesions compatible with hematogenous candida endophthalmitis. Seven of the 13 patients with eye lesions had blood cultures positive for yeast, whereas only two of 118 without eye lesions had blood cultures positive for yeast (P < 0.0005). Thus, the occurrence of eye lesions consistent with hematogenous candida endophthalmitis correlated with positive blood cultures for yeast and strongly suggested invasive candidiasis.