A monoclinic crystal with R32 pseudo-symmetry: a preliminary report of Nodamura virus structure determination

We have crystallized Nodamura virus, a T = 3 icosahedral virus that can infect both mammalian and insect hosts. Crystals are monoclinic, with two crystallographically independent virus molecules per asymmetric unit. Packing analysis reveals a pseudo-rhombohedral (pseudo-C2 in the monoclinic setting) arrangement of virus particles in the crystal lattice. Crystals differ from the R32 symmetry by rotational and translational deviations. The rhombohedral packing arrangement and its failure to describe the exact virus packing is analyzed in detail. The icosahedral threefold axis is rotated from the body diagonal of the pseudo-rhombohedral cell, breaking the rhombohedral symmetry. The C2 pseudo-symmetry breaks down rotationally and/or translationally.