The phase transitions found in the lower oxides of vanadium are discussed in terms of a model recently proposed by Fröhlich, in which Coulomb correlations play a dominant role: below the temperature of the phase transition, Tt, they suppress the band motion of the d electrons in favour of localization, whilst as T -> Tt they cause the thermal ionization of these electrons (out of their localized states into delocalized band states) to become a co-operative process, through screening effects; at Tt, the population of the d band increases catastrophically leading to a first-order phase transition into the metallic state. Experimental evidence, collected from VO, V2O3 and VO2, which tends to support the mechanisms of the model is presented. The VO2 phase transition is investigated in detail and the following conclusions reached: the crystallographic transformation which occurs at Tt(similar, equals 340 °K) can be regarded as a consequence of the a priori electronic transition; for T < Tt, crystallographic data together with the observed magnetic behaviour strongly suggest that the d electrons are trapped in homopolar bands between pairs of vanadium ions - accordingly, the system behaves as a low-mobility semiconductor and exhibits Van Vleck temperature-independent paramagnetism; for T > Tt, all the d electrons move with very low mobility (similar 01 cm2 v-1 s-1) in a degenerate t2g sub-band, of width about 1 ev, which is split off from the fivefold degenerate d band by the internal crystal field of the anion sublattice - the system is now metallic and the observed magnetic susceptibility attributed to Kubo temperature-independent paramagnetism and spin paramagnetism of the d conduction electrons, which because of the high effective mass (m* similar, equals 40m) of the latter is temperature dependent. Finally, the thermodynamics of the transition is briefly discussed.