Nitric oxide Does Not Trigger Early Programmed Cell Death Events but May Contribute to Cell-to-Cell Signaling Governing Progression of the Arabidopsis Hypersensitive Response

Nitric oxide (NO) has been suggested to play a role in the hypersensitive response (HR). Single- and double-label fluorescence microscopy experiments were conducted using Arabidopsis leaves infected with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 carrying either avrB or avrRpt2. Kinetics of NO production were followed by measurement of green 4-amino-5-methylamino-2′,7′-difluorofluorescein (DAF-FM) triazole fluorescence in leaves coinfiltrated with DAF-FM diacetate. Kinetics of hypersensitive cell death were followed by measurement of cytoplasmic red fluorescence following internalization of coinfiltrated propidium iodide through compromised plasma membranes. Neither NO accumulation nor cell death was seen until approximately 3 h postinoculation of Columbia leaves with DC3000·avrB or approximately 5.5 h post-inoculation with DC3000·avrRpt2. Subsequent NO accumulation kinetics closely paralleled HR progression in both Columbia and ndr1-1 mutant plants. These data established that NO accumulation does not happen sufficiently early for NO to be a signaling component controlling HR triggering. NO accumulation did contribute to the HR, as proven by an approximately 1-h delay in cell death kinetics caused by an NO scavenger or an NO synthase inhibitor. NO was first seen as punctate foci at the cell surface. Subsequent NO accumulation patterns were consistent with NO being an intercellular signal that functions in cell-to-cell spread of the HR.