Jesse L. Steinfeld, M.D., Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service has approved the following policy statement and has designated the Bureau of Community Environmental Management as the activity within the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to assist in the development and implementation of programs for the control of lead poisoning in children. The U.S. Public Health Service recommends that screening programs for the prevention and treatment of lead poisoning (plumbism) in children include all those who are 1 to 6 years of age and living in old, poorly maintained houses. Children exposed to other special local conditions involving lead hazards also should be screened. Lead-based paint was commonly used for interior purposes until the 1940's when it was largely replaced by titanium-based paint; therefore, children living in dilapidated or obviously deteriorating houses built prior to that time are to be given particular attention. Children who frequently visit such neighborhoods–homes of baby sitters, relatives, and playmates–also should be included in screening programs.1 Today lead-based paint is still used to some extent for the exteriors of dwellings, and this potential source of exposure to lead should not be overlooked. Children at risk should be screened periodically during the years 1 to 6, and longer if indicated. The prime goal of screening programs is the prevention of lead poisoning. The prevention of plumbism can be achieved through the early detection of children with undue absorption of lead, followed immediately by remedial action before the state of overt poisoning is reached. Consequently, screening programs should not be limited to the detection and treatment of children with lead poisoning.