Palladium Hyperfine Field in Ferromagnetic Pd-Fe Alloys

We have measured the 105Pd hyperfine field distribution in a series of Pd‐Fe alloys ranging in composition from 0.5 to 25.0 at.% Fe by the NMR spin‐echo technique. The features of the observed Pd spectra are strongly concentration dependent, and above 10%, are somewhat heat‐treatment dependent, but always display at least two broad maxima. The ratio Pd/μ̄Pd of the average Pd hyperfine field, obtained from our data, to the average Pd moment, as determined from the neutron scattering and magnetization data (assuming a constant value of 3.0 μB for the Fe moment), tends to a constant value of about 525 kOe/μB for Fe concentrations greater than about 4 at.%. As the Fe concentration is reduced below this value, this ratio rises rapidly since μ̄Pd→0 , but Pd approaches asymptotically a value of about 72 kOe. The interpretation of our data in terms of the long‐range polarization model for the Pd‐Fe system is discussed.