Antigen Mediated Transformation of Rhesus Lymphocytes in Immediate and Delayed Hypersensitivity

In vitro lymphocyte transformation was demonstrated using peripheral lymphocytes from rhesus monkeys showing either ‘pure’ atopic (Ascaris induced) or ‘pure’ delayed (p-azobenzenearsono-N-acetyl tyrosine induced) hypersensitivity. Lymphocytes from animals immunized by intravenous injection of 2, 4, 6-trinitrophenyl-Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (TNP-KLH) did not show transformation either during the active phase of antibody production or at any time thereafter. However, lymphocytes obtained from animals immunized with TNP-KLH in complete Freund’s adjuvant showed transformation not only with TNP-KLH but also with the hapten (TNP) on a heterologous carrier. The relationship of these observations to cell proliferation without MIF production and to the avidity of antigen-cell interaction needed for in vitro transformation is discussed.