Collision spectroscopy of ion-diatom systems: He+ -N2 and -O2 at medium energies

Energy-loss measurements of direct-excitation and electron-capture processes are performed for the He+ -N2, -O2 collisional systems in the 0.2-4-keV energy range and in the 0°-3° angular range. Pure vibrational excitation and vibrational excitation in excited electronic states are studied using a high-resolution spectrometer (100 meV). Pure vibrational excitation is always found to be a weak process. The analysis of vibrational distributions in excited states strongly supports an interpretation in terms of the Franck-Condon principle. Relative probabilities as functions of energy and angle are reported for the identified excitation and electron-capture processes. The results show the importance of electron-capture processes among which quasiresonant and endothermic processes dominate exothermic processes. The striking resemblance of the present data with those available on the He+ -rare-gas systems conveys a similar quasimolecular interpretation of the collision mechanisms.