Retroviruses Have Differing Requirements for Proteasome Function in the Budding Process

Proteasome inhibitors reduce the budding of human immunodeficiency virus types 1 (HIV-1) and 2, simian immunodeficiency virus, and Rous sarcoma virus. To investigate this effect further, we examined the budding of other retroviruses from proteasome inhibitor-treated cells. The viruses tested differed in their Gag organization, late (L) domain usage, or assembly site from those previously examined. We found that proteasome inhibition decreased the budding of murine leukemia virus (plasma membrane assembly, PPPY L domain) and Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (cytoplasmic assembly, PPPY L domain), similar to the reduction observed for HIV-1. Thus, proteasome inhibitors can affect the budding of a virus that assembles within the cytoplasm. However, the budding of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV; cytoplasmic assembly, unknown L domain) was unaffected by proteasome inhibitors, similar to the proteasome-independent budding previously observed for equine infectious anemia virus (plasma membrane assembly, YPDL L domain). Examination of MMTV particles detected Gag-ubiquitin conjugates, demonstrating that an interaction with the ubiquitination system occurs during assembly, as previously found for other retroviruses. For all of the cell lines tested, the inhibitor treatment effectively inactivated proteasomes, as measured by the accumulation of polyubiquitinated proteins. The ubiquitination system was also inhibited, as evidenced by the loss of monoubiquitinated histones from treated cells. These results and those from other viruses show that proteasome inhibitors reduce the budding of viruses that utilize either a PPPY- or PTAP-based L domain and that this effect does not depend on the assembly site or the presence of monoubiquitinated Gag in the virion.