ICAM‐3, the third LFA‐1 counterreceptor, is a co‐stimulatory molecule for both resting and activated T lymphocytes

Optimal activation of human T cells mediated by ligation of CD3/T cell receptor (TcR) complex requires co-stimulatory signals. These can be provided by the adhesive interaction between receptor molecules on T cells and their counter-receptors on antigen-presenting cells. Soluble ICAM-3, anti-ICAM-3 and anti-CD3 mAb were utilized to address the role of the ICAM-3/LFA-1 pathway in TcR/CD3-dependent or -independent T cell activation. Immunoaffinity-purified ICAM-3 co-immobilized with suboptimal concentrations of anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) stimulated T lymphocytes as monitored by the expression of the lymphocyte activation antigens CD25 and CD69. The mechanism underlaying this activation appear to involve the interaction of ICAM-3 with a β2 integrin, likely to be LFA-1, since mAb to the CD18 chain completely inhibited T cell activation. Similar experiments demonstrated that anti-ICAM-3 mAb were able to co-stimulate both resting (cord blood) and activated (T cell clones) T lymphocytes. On the contrary, anti-ICAM-1 mAb were only co-stimulatory for CD25 expression on activated but not on resting T cells. In addition, we have found that some γδ T cell clones bearing the Vδ1 segment were activated by direct mAb engagement of ICAM-3 in the absence of TcR/CD3 occupancy. Furthermore, immobilized anti-ICAM-3 mAb also induced development of dentritic processes. In conclusion, our data suggest that ICAM-3 on the surface of both T cells and antigen-presenting cells plays an essential role in the initiation of the immune response.