Migratory Pneumonia With Eosinophilia

TRANSIENT migratory pneumonia with concomitant peripheral blood eosinophilia was originally described by Löffler.1 Since his original description of this syndrome, subsequently shown to be due to parasitic infestation, other cases of similar migratory pneumonia with eosinophilia have been reported with diverse etiologies. A term more recently suggested for this clinical syndrome, whether due to parasitic infections, allergic or unknown agents, is Pulmonary Infiltration with Eosinophilia (PIE) syndrome.2 A review of the literature since Löffler's description reveals that sulfonamides have rarely been directly implicated as an etiologic agent of this syndrome. The most completely documented case report was that by Klinghoffer3 involving Löffler's syndrome caused by a sulfonamide-containing vaginal cream. In this case, however, a true picture of migratory pneumonia was not illustrated. In addition, no biopsy material was obtained. The purpose of this paper is to report such a case of migratory allergic pneumonia with peripheral eosinophilia