Structural analysis of the (dA)10.2(dT)10 triple helix.

The existence of DNA triple helices in vitro has been known for some time. Recent evidence suggesting that DNA triplexes exist in vivo and showing their potential for chemotherapeutic applications has renewed interest in these triple-stranded conformations. However, little structural information is current known about these unusual nucleic acid forms. We have induced and stabilized triple-helical (dA)10 .cntdot. (dT)10 with MgCl2 at neutral pH. UV mixing mixing curves demonstrate a 1:2 (dA)10 to (dT)10 stoichiometry at suitable MgCl2 concentrations. Thermal denaturation profiles establish a melting mechanism characterized by the initial loss of the third strand, followed by dissociation of the remaining duplex. The circular dichroic spectrum of the triplex form is distinct from that of a duplex equimolar in (dA)10. NMR studies show that magnesium-induced triplex formation is accompanied by an upfield shift of several imino proton resonances present before stabilization of the triplex form with MgCl2 and the induction of new upfield imino proton resonances. Nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy measurements on both undeuterated and C8-H-deuterated (dA)10 .cntdot. 2(dT)10 triplexes demonstrate dipolar contacts between resolvable imino proteins and both adenine C8-H and C2-H aromatic protons. Hence, MgCl2 stabilizes a triplex structure in which thymine N3-H imino protons are involved in both Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen base pairing.