Experimental Urolithiasis. II. The Influence of Urine Volume Upon Calculi Experimentally Produced Upon Foreign Bodies

The influence of urine volume upon calculus formation was tested in rats in 2 types of expts. The stimulus to stone formation was a foreign body operatively implanted into the bladder. Chronic diuresis was produced by substituting glucose soln. for the ordinary tap water drinking fluid. This results in a 5 fold increase in urine volume. In the first expt. the effect of diuresis was studied as a prophylactic agent against stone formation. It was found to completely prevent calculus formation. In the 2d expt. the effect of diuresis upon preformed calculi was observed. By the production of a chronic large urine volume calculi were completely dissolved in 15 of 46 rats. In this expt. the effect of secondary infection was very pronounced. In spite of diuresis, where an infection with an urea splitting organism was present, the stones grew to large size. Each of the 2 expts. were accompanied by 2 suitable control groups of rats.