Psychotic Behavioral Types

EFFORTS HAVE recently been made in a series of studies1-3to establish the existence of distinctive behavioral types among hospitalized functional psychotics. Basic data consisted of ratings obtained on the Inpatient Multidimensional Psychiatric Scale4(IMPS) during a conventional psychiatric interview. The patient subgroups or types were then evolved through the application of computerized typological analyses. Many equivalent subgroups were identified within acute, chronic, and long-term patient samples. Seven of the nine types found were similarly defined for both men and women. In the original study, six psychotic types with distinctive symptom profiles were isolated within a broad sample of 556 acute psychotics. The subgroups were named excited, excited-hostile, retarded, anxious-depressed, hostile-paranoid, and disorganized. The second study yielded nine patient types within a sample of 258 newly admitted acute schizophrenics. Subsequently three typological analyses of large samples of untreated acute, chronic, and long-term psychotics yielded nine subgroups. In addition