Pure culture growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi on inorganic nitrogen sources

Four ectomycorrhizal fungi were tested for their ability to grow (i.e., mycelial mat radial extension and fungal biomass) on nutrient media either supplemented with ammonium-nitrogen or nitrate-nitrogen or in the absence of an inorganic nitrogen source.Pisolithus tinctorius, Cenococcum geophilum andThelephora terrestris exhibited greater growth on ammonium-nitrogen.Suillus granulatus grew better on the nitrate-nitrogen nutrient medium. Regardless of inorganic nitrogen form preference (i.e., ammonium-nitrogen or nitrate-nitrogen), all 4 species showed some growth on each of the 3 nutrient media. Growth rate maxima varied by fungal species as well as by inorganic nitrogen source. Maximum growth rate forT. terrestris exceeded rates exhibited by the other 3 fungi by 2–5 times.