Stasek (1) theorized that the extant mollusks are the progeny of three separate lineages that separated before the phylum was well established. He wrote that no known intermediate forms, fossil or living, bridge the "enormous gaps between any two of the three lineages," and therefore treated each as a separate subphylum. These subphyla are (i) the subphylum Aculifera Hatscheck 1891, containing only the class Aplacophora, derived from the most primitive ancestors of the Mollusca; (ii) the subphylum Placophora von Jhering 1876, containing only the class Polyplacophora, and emphasizing the pseudometamerism of its more advanced premollusk ancestor; and (iii) the subphylum Conchifera Gegenbaur 1878, containing the Monoplacophora and the other classes derived from it.