Interdiffusion of the group-III sublattice in In-Ga-As-P/In-Ga-As-P and In-Ga-As/In-Ga-As heterostructures

We present the results of a photoluminescence study of interdiffusion on the group-III sublattice in the ternary In-Ga-As/In-Ga-As and the quaternary In-Ga-As-P/In-Ga-As-P systems, both grown off InP substrates. We have shown that the diffusion obeys Fick’s law, and that over the temperature range 950 °C–650 °C, the diffusion coefficients of both the ternary and quaternary materials can be described by the equation D=D0exp(-EA/kT), where EA=3.4±0.2 eV and D0=3.9 cm2/s. Within experimental error these values are identical to those previously measured for interdiffusion on the group V in the same material system.