Sensory denervation of the eye is known to cause, in experimental animals as well as in man, corneal changes which subsequently may or may not develop into the full-blown picture of neuroparalytic keratitis. Numerous hypotheses have been advanced with regard to the pathogenesis of these initial lesions, which are naturally closely related to the respective authors' views as to the cause of neuroparalytic keratitis proper. The lesions which occur in experimental animals have been well described by Gaule,11 after whom they are commonly called "Gaule's Spots." Practically immediately after the gasserian ganglion or the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve of the rabbit has been severed, an iridescent film is seen to spread over the corneal surface. Small, shallow pits develop which subsequently coalesce into a dry depression of the corneal center. By means of reflectography, Tagawa28 found the iridescence of the corneal surface to be caused by