Brain blood flow and metabolism after global ischemia and post-insult thiopental therapy in monkeys.

We measured total and regional cerebral blood flow (CBF, rCBF) and cerebral metabolic rate (CMR) of oxygen (O2), glucose (G), and lactate (L) levels for 4 h after 16 min global brain ischemia in rhesus monkeys with and without post-insult thiopental therapy. Eleven monkeys weighing 4-5 kg anesthetized with 1 percent halothane, 66 percent nitrous oxide and 33 percent oxygen, were subjected to 16 min global brain ischemia by a combination of trimethaphan hypotension (to a mean arterial pressure of 50 torr) and a high pressure (1500 torr) neck tourniquet. Post-ischemia, 7 monkeys were untreated (controls) and 4 received thiopental 90 mg/kg infused intravenously over 60 min, beginning at 5 min post-ischemia. Total CBF and rCBF were measured by continuous monitoring of cerebral venous (torcula) and parietal-occipital (external scintillation) 133Xe activity, respectively, after intra-innominate artery injection of 500 micronCi 133Xe in saline. In control monkeys, hyperemia in rCBF, but not in total CBF was observed at 6-7 min post-ischemia, whereas both total CBF and rCBF increased in thiopental treated monkeys. The hyperemia in thiopental treated monkeys coincided with an increase in CMRG without a proportional increase in CMRO2 or lactate levels. Indeed, CMRO2 was depressed in the first 30 min post-ischemia. At 30 min post-ischemia, CMRO2 rose to twofold greater than pre-ischemia in control monkeys, but only to pre-ischemic levels in thiopental treated monkeys. The data suggest that thiopental therapy improves distribution of brain blood flow and brain glucose uptake early post-ischemia and depresses CMRO2 later post-ischemia.