The avg. blood heparin levels in rabbits receiving intramusc. injns. of heparin are not altered by chloroform poisoning. Hepatectomy or evisceration greatly alters the shape of the heparin curve and prolongs the effect of intraven. heparin in the dog. Results on normal rabbits receiving Thorotrast, and nephrectomized rabbits receiving India ink indicate that the reticulo endothelial system plays a role in the elimination of heparin from the blood. Expts. on nephrectomized animals indicate that the part played by the kidney in the elimination of heparin is dependent on the total dose given/unit time rather than on the blood levels per se. A single intramusc. dose of heparin is influenced more by nephrectomy or kidney damage than a single intraven. dose required to produce a comparable level of heparin in the blood.