Low-frequency dielectric response in cubicKNbO3studied by hyper-Raman scattering

Hyper-Raman scattering is observed in the cubic phase of KNbO3 above the Curie temperature TC≊702 K. The imaginary part of the low-frequency dielectric function is obtained as a function of temperature. In the spectral range from 2 to 150 cm1 it can adequately be described in terms of a single overdamped oscillator. In approaching TC from above, we find a mode softening or critical slowing down of the form ω02/γ∼T-T0, where ω0 and γ are the frequency and damping constant of the overdamped oscillator and T0 is the Curie-Weiss temperature. The mode softening seems to account for the Curie-Weiss law of the static dielectric constant. Our results differ from data deduced from far-infrared reflectivity measurements, the discrepancies being of the same kind as in the case of BaTiO3.