The local environment of metal sites in intracellular granules investigated by using X-ray-absorption spectroscopy

We report the use of X-ray-absorption spectroscopy (x.a.s.) to study the local atomic environment of cations in intracellular granules from the hepatopancreas of Helix aspersa. Both the calcium K-edge in these concretions and the manganese K-edge in doped specimens were measured. Electron-microprobe measurements confirm that the introduced Mn2+ is concentrated in irregular growths on the surfaces of the granules. The near-edge structure (x.a.n.e.s.) of calcium is similar to that of manganese, indicating that the oxygen-co-ordination spheres of both cations share a similar symmetry. From the extended structure (e.x.a.f.s.) the metal-oxygen bond lengths of 0.230 nm (2.30A) for Ca-O and 0.218 nm (2.18A) for Mn-O [+/- 0.004 nm (0.04A)] were determined, reference being made to a variety of model compounds. The low density of the granules (2.07 g/cm3), together with the local atomic distribution, suggest an open hydrated structure for these phosphate deposits. Detailed analysis of the distribution of nearest-neighbour oxygen atoms demonstrates that this is asymmetric and considerably broader for Ca2+ than for Mn2+. Compared with the model compounds, the Ca2+ environment in the granules is similar to that observed in Ca2P2O7. I.r. spectra indicate the presence of condensed phosphate groups in the granules, with the strong possibility these are pyrophosphate (P2O7(4-) groups.