Measurement of hepatic glucose output and hepatic blood flow in response to glucagon

Arterial, portal and hepatic venous glucose concentrations and hepatic blood flow were simultaneously measured in nine dogs in the postabsorptive state, and after intravenous administration of glucagon. A marked rise in hepatic venous glucose concentration occurred promptly after glucagon administration. This rise coincided with a mean increase in estimated hepatic blood flow of approximately 100%. This increase in hepatic blood flow following the administration of glucagon was regularly observed in all animals; the increase in blood flow ranged from 41 to 204% in this series. Hepatic glucose output was calculated by multiplying the portal-hepatic vein gradient by the hepatic blood flow. The mean hepatic glucose output of the series increased from base line of 73 mg/min. to a maximum of 381 mg/min. in response to glucagon.