The Prolongation of Penicillin Retention in the Body by Means of Para-Aminohippuric Acid

In 2-hr. expts. with normal un-anesthetized dogs, 10,000 Oxf. units of penicillin were injd. intraven. as a single dose. In control tests, no para-aminohippuric acid (PAHA) was infused, otherwise it was injd. before and continuously during the expts. The PAHA markedly prolonged the maintenance of an elevated plasma conc. of penicillin. Urinary penicillin excretion was suppressed. Similar 12-hr. expts. on anesthetized dogs confirmed these results. 48-hr. expts. showed that changing the PAHA plasma conc. produces corresp. variations in the penicillin content of plasma. PAHA-penicillin therapy caused no pathol. findings.

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