In a comparison of the 2 tasks, 2 chimpanzees were tested on delayed matching-from-sample and on non-spatial delayed response. (In delayed matching-from-sample the animal manipulates a stimulus object and receives food; after a delay he selects from among 2 stimulus objects the one like the one previously manipulated. In non-spatial delayed response the animals are not permitted to manipulate the stimulus objects nor to receive food; they are merely shown the stimulus object corresponding to the one they must select after the deiay period.) in the 2 expts. (one in which the 2 conditions were presented successively; the other in which they were alternately presented) "results indicate that delayed matching-from-sample for these subjects is easier than non-spatial delayed response." This might account for reports of longer delays for monkeys in delayed matching-from-sample expts. than the delays noted for chimpanzees in non-spatial delayed response situations.