Reduction in Thrombotic Events With Heparin-Coated Palmaz-Schatz Stents in Normal Porcine Coronary Arteries

Background The use of stents improves the result after balloon coronary angioplasty. Thrombogenicity of stents is, however, a concern. In the present study, we compared stents with an antithrombotic coating with regular stents. Methods and Results Regular stents were placed in coronary arteries of pigs receiving no aspirin (group 1; n=8) or aspirin over 4 weeks (group 2, n=10) or 12 weeks (group 3, n=9). Stents coated with heparin (antithrombin III uptake, 5 pmol/stent) were placed in 7 pigs that did not receive aspirin (group 4). The other animals received aspirin and coated stents with a heparin activity of 12 pmol antithrombin III/stent (group 5, n=10) or 20 pmol/stent (group 6, n=10; group 7, n=10). Quantitative arteriography was performed at implantation and after 4 (groups 1, 2, and 4 through 6) or 12 weeks (groups 3 and 7). In an additional 5 animals, five regular and five coated stents (20 pmol/stent) were placed and explanted after 5 days for examination of the early responses to the implants. Th...