The present list of diatoms may be considered an extension of the recent check-list of British marine algae by Parke (1953). It includes not only truly marine species, both sessile and planktonic, but also species inhabiting brackish waters with a few fresh-water species that manage to live, though somewhat precariously, in estuarine conditions.It has been compiled for the following reasons: (1) to indicate the extent of the diatom flora around British coasts, so that comparisons may be made with that of the other countries; (2) to assist workers in the identification of material by indicating the size of any genus known to inhabit our shores; (3) to check the arrival of new entrants to the British flora; and (4) to provide a basis for a more detailed work, now in preparation. The check-list does not presume to lay down finalized decisions on the taxonomic rank ascribed to any organism or to consider the criteria upon which such ranks are based.

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