Release of Radiosterilized Males to Control Culex Pipiens Quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae)

Adult mosquitoes, Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus Say, (24–48 hr old) are rendered sterile when exposed to 10 kR of gamma radiation. Laboratory and field studies indicated that the irradiated males were 1/2 to 1/4 as competitive as native males. Releases of irradiated males were conducted daily for 13 weeks to control a native mosquito population on a small island. There was an average sterile-normal male ratio of 10: 1 throughout this study. Of the egg rafts examined from native females, all exhibited hatch in the prerelease samples; however, by the 13th week, none of the rafts collected over a 3-day period hatched, thus demonstrating the feasibility of controlling native populations of Culex mosquitoes by the release of irradiated males.