Discrimination between fast- and slow-twitch fibres of guinea pig skeletal muscle using the relative surface density of junctional transverse tubule membrane

The black reaction of Golgi was used to infiltrate transverse (T) tubules in fast-twitch glycolytic (FW), fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic (FR) and slow-twitch (S) type fibres in muscles of guinea pigs. Non-junctional (fT) and junctional (jT) segments of the T-rubule network are clearly demarcated by this technique. Digitized planimetry and direct measurements were used to determine the proportion of T-tubule network forming junctions with the sarcoplasmic reticulum (%L jT ) and to estimate the surface density (surface area per fibre volume) of total and junctional T membrane. From these data, the volume density (number per fibre volume) of junctional feet was calculated. All three types of fibres have approximately equal surface density of T tubules, but the FW and FR fibres have a much higher proportion of jT. The calculated volume density of feet is twice as high in fast-twitch as in slow-twitch fibres.