Sulphur-dioxide-catalyzed recombination of radicals in premixed fuel-rich hydrogen + oxygen + nitrogen flames

The rate of recombination of hydrogen atoms has been measured in a group of hydrogen + oxygen + nitrogen flames at 2000 K containing up to 1 % vol. sulphur dioxide. The catalysis of the rate of recombination by sulphur dioxide1–3 is confirmed and at ∼2000 K is second order with respect to hydrogen atom concentration in agreement with ref. (3). The rate of catalysis is in accord with the reaction scheme: H + SO2+ M ⇌ HSO2+ M, equilibrium constant K3(3) HSO2+ H → H2+ SO2, rate constant, k4(4) HSO2+ OH → H2O + SO2, rate constant, k5(5) in which the rate-determining steps are (4) and (5). Values for K3k4 and K3k5 are derived which, with an estimate for K3, give k4∼5 × 10–12 and k5 < 8 × 10–12 ml molecule–1 s–1. Calculations on the effect of temperature on the overall rate of reactions (3), (4) and (5) show that the order of reaction with respect to hydrogen atom concentration changes to first order at lower temperatures in agreement with the interpretation of ref. (2) and probably also with that of ref. (1).