Ionization coefficients measured in abrupt InP junctions

The ionization coefficients of electrons α (Em ) and holes β (Em) in (100) InP have been obtained by photomultiplication measurements on abrupt Cd‐doped LPE p+n junctions having a donor concentration of 1.3×1017 cm−3. Two different methods of producing pure hole injection have been used which give identical results. In the electric field range 5×105<Em 5 V cm−1, β≳α and the coefficients may be expressed as α (Em) =7.36 ×106 exp(−3.45×106/Em) cm−1, β (Em ) =2.04×106 exp(−2.42×106/Em ) cm−1. The breakdown voltages calculated using these values of α and β show good agreement with experimental results.