A diurnal and seasonal study of the resting behaviour ofGlossina pallidipesAust.

In conjunction with an investigation of the diurnal and seasonal feeding behaviour of Glossina pallidipes Aust. in dense riverine vegetation in the Zambezi Valley, Southern Rhodesia, gorged flies caught on a stationary ox were marked and released and their subsequent resting places recorded. Fallen logs, a rot hole, boles and branches were found to be utilised in the late hot dry season (November), but in the rainy season (February), the cool season (May) and the early dry season (August), flies were found almost entirely on branches. Of the total resting flies observed, 89 per cent, were at heights of 0 to 9 ft., but whereas in November 49 per cent, of resting flies were at heights between 0 and 3 ft., only 10 to 19 per cent, rested at this level in the other seasons. The choice of more deeply shaded resting sites in November is thought to be due to a reversal, at temperatures over 35°C., of a normally positive reaction to light. The resting behaviour did not appear to differ greatly between sexes, although females do not move so readily as do males on to sites other than branches.In November, a diurnal pattern of resting behaviour was noted. A branch type of site was preferred in the early morning, but a shift to the rot hole and boles was evident during the middle of the day, followed by a return to branches in the evening; there was evidence that flies rested in yet another type of site at night. In May, searches from 1930 to 2100 hr. for flies marked with reflecting paint revealed some on leaves and small twigs.