Solar radio emission records on seven frequencies in the range 60 to 10 000 Mc/s were studied over a period of 18 months. The analysis, which includes a number of histograms, shows that many of the properties of bursts change with frequency. A study of the time delay between bursts on different frequencies revealed that 3 000 Mc/s bursts often occur first; a simultaneous up and down movement of ionized material from the level of zero refractive index at that frequency is postulated. It is found that bursts were more frequent than flares, fadeouts and crochets and that they almost always accompanied these effects. The commencement of bursts appears to be simultaneous with that of flares and crochets but precedes that of fadeouts by about two minutes. In addition, there is a rough correlation between the intensity of bursts, flares, fadeouts and crochets.