Conformational analysis of dopamine by the INDO molecular orbital method

The results of INDO calculations on dopamine are reported. A conformational energy map and an isodistance map for the key distances N—OH1, N—OH2 in dopamine as functions of the two main torsion angles τ1 and τ2 were constructed. In addition to the three known minima of dopamine corresponding to the trans and gauche forms, two new minima were found. The key distances of the rigid analogues of dopamine, apomorphine, isoapomorphine, 2-amino-6,7-dihydroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene and isoquinoline were plotted on the isodistance map of dopamine. By taking the corresponding τ values as coordinates on the energy map, conformations of dopamine, resembling the rigid analogues, could be found. When a conformation is close to a local minimum it is assumed that this conformation is energetically favourable. The possible relation between the energy minima and the biological action of dopamine is discussed. An explanation is suggested for the lack of dopaminergic activity of isoapomorphine.