GABA uptake in astrocytes in primary cultures: Coupling with two sodium ions

The influence of sodium ions on GABA uptake into astrocytes in primary cultures has been investigated performing kinetic analysis of GABA uptake at different sodium concentrations in the range 16 to 151 mM. These investigations reveal that sodium affects both the Km and the Vmax of the saturable component of the astroglial GABA uptake. Uptake rates as a function of the sodium concentration at high GABA concentrations (≥ 50 μM) were clearly sigmoid whereas at lower GABA concentrations this sigmoid shape was not obvious. Accordingly, Hill plots of the sodium dependency at high GABA concentrations exhibited straight lines with slopes of 2.0 to 2.5, suggesting that the coupling ratio between sodium and GABA is at least two. Corresponding Hill plots at lower GABA concentrations exhibited slopes of 1.6 to 1.8. Moreover, plots of 1/v versus 1/Na2 gave better fits to straight lines than plots of 1/v versus 1/Na which were curvilinear upward. Again, this curvilinearity was more pronounced at high GABA concentrations than at low GABA concentrations. From these results it is concluded that GABA uptake into astrocytes in primary cultures requires the binding of at least two sodium ions per GABA molecule transported.