Ice Shelves: A Review

Ice shelves form where ice flows off the Antarctic ice sheet onto the sea to produce rather flat slabs of floating ice which, for the theoretician, are the simplest of all large ice masses. Boundary conditions are well defined, conditions change very slowly over distances that are large compared with ice thickness, and horizontal velocities are independent of depth. Unconfined ice shelves can be used as giant creep machines to investigate the ice flow law at low stresses. Further inland, where movement is hampered by obstructions such as grounded ice rises and by shear between the ice shelf and its sides, the ice shelf transmits a backpressure which tends to restrict drainage from the ice sheets that feed it. Wastage from ice shelves is principally by calving and by bottom melting. There has been no direct measurement of bottom-melting rates, but indirect evidence suggests that, near the seaward edges of ice shelves, bottom-melting rates may exceed one metre per year, with significant melting within about 100 km of the ice front. Further inland there may be bottom freezing, and analysis of cores taken from the Amery Ice Shelf indicate that bottom-freezing rates average 0.5 m a–1over a distance of 200 km. Such high freezing-rates are probably exceptional, and, beneath the Ross Ice Shelf, freezing appears to be insignificant even at a distance of 400 km from the ice front.Because of their accessibility ice shelves have been studied in considerable detail, but many problems remain. In particular we need to improve our understanding of basal flux, ice-shelf dynamics near the grounding line, the calving of icebergs, and the state of equilibrium of ice rises. In addition there is a clear need for basic data from the Filchner-Ronne ice shelf.

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