Effective Hamiltonian forΔS=1weak nonleptonic decays in the six-quark model

Strong-interaction corrections to the nonleptonic weak-interaction Hamiltonian are calculated in the leading-logarithmic approximation using quantum chromodynamics. Starting with a six-quark theory, the W boson, t quark, b quark, and c quark are successively considered as "heavy" and the effective Hamiltonian calculated. The resulting effective Hamiltonian for strangeness-changing nonleptonic decays involves u, d, and s quarks and has possible CP-violating pieces both in the usual (VA)×(VA) terms and in induced, "penguin"-type terms. Numerically, the CP-violating compared to CP-conserving parts of the latter terms are close to results calculated on the basis of the lowest-order "penguin" diagram.