Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering Near 50 MeV. I. Phase-Shift Analysis of the Data

We carry out a phase-shift analysis of pp and np elastic scattering data in the laboratory kinetic energy range of 47.5 to 60.9 MeV. Despite the inclusion of new np total and differential cross-section data since the phase-shift analyses of MacGregor, Arndt, and Wright (papers VI and X in particular), the χ2 vs ε1 curve retains its double minimum, and the anomalous value for the phase parameter δ(P11) persists. The data yield a range of solutions rather than a unique I=0 phase-shift solution, and, in fact, the χ2 vs ε1 curve is even flatter than it was in paper VI. The allowed range of ε1 is found to be from -10° to +3°, approximately. To find a unique solution, we constrain ε1 to have a reasonable theoretical value of +2.78°, and present the corresponding constrained phase-shift solution. This yields δ(P11)=3.52°±1.04°, which is 4.5 standard deviations or more above predictions by meson-theoretical models. In fact, throughout the allowed range of ε1, the searched value of δ(P11) remains at least this far above theoretical predictions. We determine that the Harwell np dσdΩ data at extreme forward and extreme backward angles are responsible for the high value of δ(P11), and recommend that these measurements be retaken. We emphasize that contrary to popular belief, it is not sufficient just to fix the relative backward np dσdΩ, because incorrect forward values will result in a wrong value for δ(P11). With regard to forward data, good extreme forward absolute dσdΩ data will be more effective than relative forward data spanning the 0°-90° range. Finally, with respect to ε1, we emphasize that the existing types of np data (dσdΩ, σtot, and P) will not remove the ambiguity in this phase parameter. Some other type of experiment must be done, as we intend to discuss in a succeeding paper.