Serological Relationships of Liver and Kidney

The subject of immune bodies against various tissues has occupied considerable space in the literature of immunity and especially has emphasis been laid in the discussions on the question of the “specificity” of the antibodies produced against organs. It is particularly with this latter phase of the subject that our experiments have dealt; the results we wish to report here concern however only liver and kidney. We do not desire to go into the literature (1) on this subject at the present time and will only briefly review some of the work which has appeared bearing most directly upon the antibodies produced against renal or hepatic tissue. Bierry (2) and his co-workers, using so-called (3) nucleo-proteins of various organs (liver and kidney) for immunization, state that following injection of these antisera into animals of the same species as those whose organs had been used for immunization, definite and more marked changes occurred in the organs corresponding to the antiserum injected.